Build your own light show with Arduino, MIDI and LEDs

Only $10
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LED Beats

Are you in a band?
Have you razzled your audience, and now you want to dazzle them?

Build 6

Well buddy, I've got somethin' wild in store for ya... it's LED Beats!

Hell yeah - this is what's gonna save the band! That's right folks, LED Beats! It's some software to help you make cool light shows with some cheap LED strips. If you're like me, and you're absolutely trash at guitar, then you can try to distract everybody from how much you suck with a rad light show.

This bad boy takes in your MIDI input and spits it out through an Arduino or whatever and turns it into light! And folks with non-MIDI drums and guitars - don't worry, there's MIDI pickups for those instruments! I don't sell any of em, but they exist.

Build 6

Check out the Software Overview to see what LED Beats can do!

Then see the Hardware Overview to see what kind of hardware is involved in getting a basic light show going.

What's in a basic setup?



A Windows Computer

A Windows Computer

  • Any modern Windows computer should do just fine!

  • Needs at least one USB port available for the hardware.

  • No internet access required!



An Arduino Uno R3

An Arduino

  • See list of confirmed working hardware for specific models.

  • Probably just about any Arduino clone should be compatible!



A WS2812 RGB LED Strip

A WS2812 RGB LED Strip

  • WS2812 RGB LEDs (aka digital LEDs, individually-addressible LEDs, etc.) are recommended.

  • Other LED strip types will be supported as development continues.



Assorted Supplies

Assorted Bits 'n' Pieces


If you don't know where to start and would like to see what's involved in a basic hardware setup, the step-by-step setup guide will help you get an idea of what's involved.